I Laser surgeries

NEW! Femto Balance 3D laser procedure


NEW! Femto Lite 2D laser procedure


Contact free PRK + PTK


II Lens surgeries
NEW! Laser cataract surgery with monofocal artificial lens 3580€ (1790€ / oneeye)

Ordinary cataract surgery with monofocal artificial lens

1500€ (750€ / one eye)

NEW! Laser refractive lens replacement with multifocal intraocular lens

5200€ (2600€ / one eye)

Ordinary cataract surgery with multifocal artificial lens

2600€ (1300 € / one eye)

ICL supplementary lens implantation 4950€ (2475 € / one eye)
III Other operations

Cosmetic surgery of upper eyelids


Minor cosmetic procedures (chalazion etc.)


Intravitreal injection, paracentesis of anterior chamber (injection into the vitreous body)

140€ (one eye)

Treatment of keratoconus with Crosslinking method with excimer laser T-cat prk (including 4th day follow-up)

1150 € (one eye)