Dry eye tests
- Detailed medical history and a questionnaire
- Eye anatomy and ocular surface examination under a microscope
- Tear production capacity test – Schirmer test
Photography of the surface of the eye:
- Eye redness index (Oculus Keratograph Bulbar Redness)
- Evaluation of the anatomy of the eyelid glands (Oculus Keratograph Meibography)
- Assessment of the quality of an oil film on the eye surface (Oculus Keratograph Lipiview System)
- Measurement of tear film break-up time (Oculus Keratograph Tear BreakUp Time Measurement System)
Based on the information collected during the tests, a decision about further treatment can be made. The patient’s methods of treatment are selected individually and according to the type of dry eye.
Treatment options
- Recommendations pertaining to the living environment, diet and behavioural changes
- Artificial tears (different sub-groups according to the type of dry eye)
- Moisturising ophthalmic gels
- Vitamin ointment
- Anti-inflammatory drugs (incl. corticosteroids, antibacterial treatment and cyclosporine)
- Serum drops (made from the patient's own blood)
- Omega-3 fatty acids
- Cleaning of the eyelid glands
- Lacrimal channel plugs (six-month disolvable plugs and permanent plugs)
- In the case of eyelid disorders, surgical treatment, if necessary